Language Learning Tools

Uplevel your language skills with AI

AI Dictionary

Look up words, phrases, and idioms with AI dictionary. Use context field to get more accurate results.

Learn new words

Reverse Dictionary

Get help finding the right word to express your thoughts and ideas.

Improve writingDiscover new vocabularies

Grammar Corrector

Check grammar and punctuation errors in your text.

Fix writing mistakes


Translate long text from one language to another.

Translate long text


Rewrite sentences to avoid plagiarism and improve readability.

Avoid plagiarismImprove readability


Summarize long text into a short summary.

Too long; didn't readShorten text

Proudly open-source

Our source code is available on GitHub; feel free to read, review, or contribute to it in any way you like!

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Easy Access

KamousAI is a progressive web app(PWA), simply install it on any device using the browser.

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